香港自動化科技協會 專刊 (香港工業總會轄下第32分組)

A Treasure of Knowledge 蘊藏知識的寶庫 Pioneering Smart Manufacturing 引領業界走向智能製造 ‘Industry 4.0’ is a vision of excellence in manufacturing. Working towards ‘Smart Industry’, we strive with a combination of advanced technology and human wisdom.On this journey, HongKongProductivityCouncil (HKPC) has longbeen working in tandem with the industries in applying professional knowledge and enterpriseexperience to takemanufacturing to thenext level in terms of efficiency and flexibility. ChairmanWilly Lin leads HKPC in supporting the industry in this era of technological progress and powerful change. 「工業 4.0 」給予製造業一個理想、精益的願景,掀起「智能製造」的風 潮。「智能」是知識和智慧的總和,包含先進科技與人類智慧的深度融 合。多年來,香港生產力促進局與業界一路走來,匯聚專業知識和企業的 經驗智慧,共同締造高效、靈活的智能工廠。主席林宣武先生在這科技勇 進的時代,帶領生產力局努力支援業界,驅動積極進取的正能量。 Since 2015, HKPC has opened a series of demo centres, namely ‘One’ i , to illustrate various intelligent technologies, all of them the first of their kind in Hong Kong.Frequently visited bymany industry organisations, these centres provide consulting services and offer professional information to help manufacturers solve their problems. Mr Lin pointed out that, collaborating with government bodies, research institutes, universities and industry associations, HKPC has always been playing a pivotal role in providing all-round solutions on smart technologies, business regulations and funding applications with the aim of setting businesses on a smooth path. HKPC places high emphasis on acting as a bridge between the researchers, academia and businesses on knowledge and technology transfer. It is in this direction that the organisation has worked closely with Hong Kong and overseas universities on introducing new knowledge and cutting-edge technologies to manufacturers to solve their problems. Mr Lin cited some examples, ‘Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT), the leading German research institute and the pioneer of Industry 4.0, is our mentor. We now have more than a dozen of HKPC colleagues qualified as “Industry 4.0 Experts” by Fraunhofer IPT. They are responsible for transferring knowledge to the industry and assisting businesses to migrate to Industry 4.0. In the first quarter of 2018, Fraunhofer IPT and HKPC will strengthen their collaboration on providing practical solutions to develop the Southeast Asian market.’ Meanwhile, works are now underway for the establishment of the HKPC Institute of Innovation and Technology (Shenzhen) at the Futian Free Trade Zone, where there are many scientific research institutes with an aura of innovation nearby.The centre is expected to create synergy with the Inno Space which commenced operations at HKPC in October in 2017, in providing integrated supporting services to startups and SMEs. HKPC also intends to work with local governments in the Pearl River Delta region in understanding more about the local technological developments and in bringing the latest information, technologies, funding and intellectual property-related know-how to over 30,000 Hong Kong manufacturers in Guangdong Province and beyond. 自 2015 年起,生產力局開設了一系列全港首創、以「 One 」命 名的智能技術展示中心 i ,吸引許多業界團體專程到訪。中心設 有顧問服務,提供專業資訊,協助製造廠商解決問題。林主席 指,生產力局一直連繫各個政府部門、科研機構、大專院校及 商會,為企業提供智能科技、營商法規與及資助申請等全方位 的解決方案,目的是不希望企業走「寃枉路」。 生產力局十分重視產學研並行,與多間香港及海外大學緊密聯 繫,汲取新知識、新技術,為廠家解決問題。林主席舉例︰「 工業 4.0 的始創者、德國頂尖科研機構『弗勞恩霍夫生產技術研 究所』 (Fraunhofer IPT) 是我們的指導單位。現在本局十多位同事 已取得由 Fraunhofer IPT 授予的「工業 4.0 專家」認可資格,並 將知識轉移到行業中,協助企業邁向工業 4.0 。 2018 年首季,研 究所會與生產力局加強合作,提供更貼地實用的方案,攜手開 拓東南亞市場。」 此外,生產力局正密鑼緊鼓在深圳福田保稅區成立「香港生產 力促進局深圳創新及技術中心」。附近有不少科研機構,創新 環境十分理想。中心將與去年 10 月在香港生產力大樓設立的 「知創空間」 (InnoSpace) 相輔相承,合力為初創企業和中小企 提供綜合支援服務。生產力局亦跟珠三角地區政府合作,深入 了解華南地區的科技發展,把最新資訊、技術、專項基金、甚 至知識產權的保障意識,帶給內地與及廣東省三萬多家港資企 業。 i 「 3D 打印體驗廊」 (3D Printing One) 、「智能機器人中心」 (RoboticsOne), 「智能產業廊」 (Smart Industry One) 及「中小企一站通」 SME One 。 20 Connecting Practitioners 業界專訪