香港自動化科技協會 專刊 (香港工業總會轄下第32分組)

Finding the Right Cures for Pain Points 找出痛點對症下藥 How ‘Internet of Things’ Revolutionised Business Operations: A Success Story 以先進「物聯網」技術提升營運質素的成功之道 Jewellery industry has a long history with an emphasis on craftsmanship, design and heritage. Operating in a manufacturing hub for jade jewellery and precious stone setting, Hong Kong jewellery brands have been leading in the Asian market. In recent years, Hong Kong’s jewellery industry has expanded its online and offline retail and distribution businesses in Hong Kong and the mainland China. However, it is still largely export-oriented. According to a research report of Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong is a massive jewellery export market, with a very high export value over HK$48 billion in 2016. 珠寶是一個歷史悠久的行業,講求工藝、設計和文化傳承。香港向來是玉石首飾生產的樞紐,在鑽石和寶石鑲嵌的領域處於領先 地位,珠寶品牌在亞洲更是首屈一指。近年香港珠寶業拓展香港及中國內地的零售與分銷業務,同時亦積極發展網上銷售,但仍 以出口主導。根據香港貿易發展局的研究報告, 2016 年的出口金額超過港幣 480 億。 The management team of Chow Tai Fook started with the ‘pain points’ in operations and introduced the ‘Smart+‘ Initiatives. It represents a combination of Sustainability, Men, Arts and + (value-added) to enhance efficiency in operations by technology. Mr Wong illustrated, ‘As a people-oriented company, we add values to our products through arts and culture. By employing technology in operations wisely, we aim to achieve sustainable development.’ With this overarching thought, they did not expect a ‘perfect’ solution. Rather, they took the first step of innovation without expecting everything to fall into place in one go. At the beginning of the reform, Chow Tai Fook was already a strong player with approximately 1,000 points-of-sales (POS). Although computer system was used to estimate the quantity required for every Stock Keeping Units (SKU) at each POS, products were mainly distributed by manual and the accuracy became a concern. As there are various styles, sizes, weights of jewellery pieces. Over time, the precision of distribution become essential to meet the market demand. Themanagement also discovered that shortage of products at some POS was usually caused by the delayed orders for replenishment. Therefore production could not meet the market demand just-in- 管理團隊從營運中的「痛點」開始思考,推行「 Smart+ 」計 劃,當中包括 Sustainability ( 可持續發展 ) 、 Men ( 以人為本 ) 、 Arts ( 文化藝術 ) ,以及 + ( 再增值 ) ,運用科技來提升營運效率。黃先 生把這套策略描述得更細緻:「集團以人為本,通過文化藝術 來提高產品的內涵和價值,善用科技來加強內部管理,以達致 企業的可持續發展。」有了這個大方向,他們明白沒有完美的 方案,也不能期望一步到位,但企業必須勇於踏出第一步。 周大福在改革開始時,已經在管理約一千個零售點,雖然他們 用電腦分析每間分店所需的產品和數量,但人手派貨的精準度 About seven to eight years ago, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group initiated a series of reforms on business operation in an attempt to overcome a growth bottleneck. Mr Wong Siu Kee, Managing Director of the Group, told us the story, ‘Seven years ago, with the support from the Board of Directors, we formed the Reform and Development Committee which focused on sustainable business development. From a strategic perspective, we set out to address our challenges in three key aspects - human resources, product development and sales channels.’ 周大福珠寶集團在七、八年前為克服發展瓶頸而啟動了一系列 的變革。集團董事總經理黃紹基先生表示:「七年前,我們在 董事會的支持下成立了一個改革發展委員會,針對思考業務的 可持續發展,並提出相關的方案。這是一個策略性的出發點, 面對人才、貨品和銷售渠道三方面的挑戰,我們決定為企業的 長遠發展下一些苦功。」 24 Connecting Practitioners 業界專訪